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Mock Trial

In the 8th grade class I teach every year, we study a Mock Trial. Inside this notebook are rules for the Mock Trial students will compete in, along with evidence that pertains to the trial. It’s a fascinating process! As the students read through the material, they will find evidence to support the defense side AND the prosecution side. We will actually present both sides of the case, in two separate rounds of the competition. As their teacher, I play the role of coach. I ask important questions that help them see the evidence in different ways. I never point out anything to them, but help lead them to discover the evidence in the homework they are given each week.

As I am preparing for a new case in Mock Trial next semester, I’m thinking a LOT about “Evidence”. You see, everything about the case hinges on the evidence.

What exactly is “evidence”?

As defined in Merriam-Webster Dictionary:


ev·​i·​dence | \ ˈe-və-dən(t)s  , -və-ˌden(t)s \

Definition of evidence

 (Entry 1 of 2)1a: an outward sign INDICATION b: something that furnishes proof TESTIMONY specificallysomething legally submitted to a tribunal to ascertain the truth of a matter 2: one who bears witness especiallyone who voluntarily confesses a crime and testifies for the prosecution against one’s accomplices in evidence 1: to be seen CONSPICUOUS trim lawns … are everywhere in evidence— Amer. Guide Series: N.C.2: as evidence

evidence verb evidencedevidencing

Definition of evidence (Entry 2 of 2)

transitive verbto offer evidence of PROVEEVINCE

What does the Bible say about “evidence”?

When I searched the Bible for the word “evidence”, the most common verses were:

But my favorite verses about evidence are these found in Hebrews and 1 Samuel:

Just look at that last verse again! “All the righteous acts performed by the Lord for you and your ancestors .“ Y’all! That should make you want to shout for joy! If you look, you will find evidence not only in your life but in the lives of your ancestors!

I’m challenging you to grab a paper and pen, and begin making a list of the EVIDENCE of God’s blessings in your life! It’s time for us to get away from the negative mindset and start focusing on the good; the blessings God has given us. You woke up today! You can see! You can hear! I challenge you to begin to thank HIM!

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