Sanctuary Ridge Adventures in Farming

Farm Names

Exploring a ridge trail…

Every time we looked at the property we discovered new things! A creek, a wide trail through the woods, a spring, and with each new discovery we fell in love with the place more and more. We’ve never owned acreage before so we have been researching all the pros and cons. There are so many options! But first things first, we need to name the farm. In my research I found a place to register your farm name. How do you begin to name a farm? Some suggestions were to use names of trees on the farm or farm animals or your family name. I wanted the name to be significant, to have a deeper meaning- even if it was just for us.

A pond in the forest…

As I was reading and praying one morning, I felt we should dedicate the property as a sanctuary for our family and friends. It’s such a peaceful place. We want it to be a place of worship, peace and communing with our Father God. A place of restoration. So I began researching Hebrew words for Praise: Hallah, Yadah, Barak, Tehillah, Zamar, Todah, Shabach, and Hallelujah were some that I found. From there I began to study the word Sanctuary which means: A holy place; a place that provides refuge or safety from pursuit, persecution, or other danger; A nature reserve; A strong fortress that sits high above a city; A period of spiritual reflection. Synonyms for sanctuary include: house of God, Bethel, place of worship, altar, Haven, shelter, retreat, oasis, foxhole, protection, shield, hiding place, alcove, fortress, and the list goes on! Then I looked up scripture in the Bible that references praise and sanctuary. We prayed and thought on all of this for a couple of weeks. And so we decided on the name Sanctuary Ridge Farm. I love the meaning and really feel it fits with the mission we have in mind for this new endeavor. Let me know what you think in the comments below and tune in for more updates on the plans for our farm in the coming weeks!

Psalms 150:1 (NASB)Praise the Lord! Praise God in His sanctuaryPraise Him in His mighty expanse.

© Copyright 2020– or current year, Sanctuary Ridge. Unattributed use of this material is strictly prohibited. Reposting and links may be used, provided that credit is given to Sanctuary Ridge with active link and direction to this original post.

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